Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness

Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences

Chamaesyce hyssopifolia (Linnaeus) Small
(Hyssop Leaf Spurge)

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Status: Native

Chamaesyce brasiliensis (Lamarck) Small
Euphorbia hyssopifolia Linnaeus

Chamaesyce hyssopifolia is a herbaceous spurge with opposite leaves and gland appendages. The leaf blades are inequalateral and toothed. The capsules are glabrous and the so is the herbage. The mature leaves are mostly more than 15mm long. Chamaesyce hyssopifolia is found in sandy canyons and streambeds.
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Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Saddlerock Canyon, Aug. 17, 2008

Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, micro of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Saddlerock Canyon, Aug. 17, 2008

Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, micro of cyathium, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Saddlerock Canyon, Aug. 17, 2008

Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, micro of cyathium, photo Russ Kleinman, Burro Mtns., Saddlerock Canyon, Aug. 17, 2008

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