Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Euphorbia prostrata Aiton
(Prostrate Spurge)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Status: Native
Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small
Euphorbia prostrata is an inconspicuous, prostrate annual city dwelling herb found growing in between cracks in the pavement. The leaves are toothed, opposite and inequilateral at the base. There are four glands. The capsules are pubescent with
spreading hairs. The style branches are bifid-- split into two branches from near the base.
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Euphorbia prostrata, photo Russ Kleinman & Bill Norris, Silver City, Sept. 7, 2008

Euphorbia prostrata, photo Russ Kleinman & Bill Norris, Silver City, Sept. 7, 2008

Euphorbia prostrata, angled, transversely ridged seed, photo Russ Kleinman & Bill Norris, Silver City, Sept. 7, 2008

Euphorbia prostrata, pubescent capsule (schizocarp), bifid styles, photo Russ Kleinman and the 2017 Plant Taxonomy Class
at WNMU, August 18, 2017
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