WNMU Holds Arbor Day Celebration
While most people associate Arbor Day with the month of April, Western New Mexico University held its own Arbor Day celebration Friday, September 20, 2024. Holding the annual celebration is one of the standards that WNMU maintains to be an official Tree Campus, named by the Arbor Day Foundation through its Tree Campus Higher Education program. The university has held this status since 2023. The Tree Campus Higher Education program provides a simple framework for colleges and universities to grow their community forests, achieve national recognition, and create a campus their students and staff are proud of. “For our event we planted a row of peach trees, berries, and herbs in our all-edible landscape project on the future food security site,” said WNMU Horticulture Coordinator Chala Werber, referring to the site off Mississippi Street where the university plans to construct a greenhouse and develop a sustainable garden as part of its food security and sustainability...