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On average, high school students going into college will rack up over $35,000 in student loan debt.

Not at WNMU.

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A Life of Adventure

Tucked away in the shadows of the 3.3 million-acres Gila National Forest in southwest New Mexico, Western New Mexico University provides students the ability to explore new interests and discover connections and adventure both in and outside of the classroom.

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Keeping You Out of Debt

New Mexico high school graduates receive free tuition at WNMU through the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, and residents of more than a dozen states qualify for reduced tuition that could amount to a savings of nearly $30,000 per year.

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Books Always Included

Along with the most affordable tuition in the southwest, every student receives class texts free-of-charge, providing another savings only available at WNMU.

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Additional Funding Sources

In addition to the automatic savings students enjoy, there are hundreds of private scholarships available through the WNMU Foundation, providing a source of additional funds for students at every level.

Building Unique Experiences

Small class sizes, 130+ student activities each year, 30+ student clubs, NCAA athletics and endless trails to hike, bike, run and explore.

130 Years of Tradition, Experiences & Education.