Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedwig) Jenn.
Family: Brachytheciaceae
Status: Native
Eurhynchium diversifolium Schimp.
Eurhynchium fallax (Renauld & Cardot) Grout
Eurhynchium fasciculosum (Hedw.) Dix.
Eurhynchium praecox (Hedw.) De Not.
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn. var. praecox (Hedw.) Dix.
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn. var. robustum (Röll) Amann
Eurhynchium strigosum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp.
Eurhynchium strigosum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp. var. praecox (Hedw.) Husn.
Eurhynchium strigosum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp. var. robustum Röll
Eurhynchium strigosum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp. var. scabrisetum Grout
Eurhynchium substrigosum Kindb.
Rhynchostegium pulchellum (Hedw.) H. Rob.
Rhynchostegium strigosum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) De Not.
Eurhynchium pulchellum bears considerable resemblance to the genus Brachythecium. However, the branch leaves become quite rounded toward the apex of the branches while the stem leaves are acute to acuminate. The stems are pinnately branched with the branches erect and the stem inconspicuous. Also, the costa of Eurhynchium pulchellum ends in a spine. The leaves are quite variable in shape as is the length of the costa. The stem leaf cells are all elongate except at the alar region where they are more quadrate or oblong. The branch leaf cells have quadrate or oblong cells below the apex as well. The operculum of E. pulchellum is obliquely long-rostrate. Eurhynchium pulchellum is found at middle elevation on soil.
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Eurhynchium pulchellum, field macro with Olympus TG-6, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, at Boyd's Sanitarium near Dripping Springs, Organ Mtns. Desert Peaks National Monument, March 1, 2021
Eurhynchium pulchellum, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 5x macro of erect branching pattern, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, one stem and erect branches dissected free, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 100x photomicrograph of stem leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 100x photomicrograph of stem leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 200x photomicrograph of branch leaf with spine at end of costa, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 400x photomicrograph of branch leaf tip, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 200x photomicrograph of lower branch leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 200x photomicrograph of branch leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Gold Gulch Spring, Burro Mountains, October 10, 2010
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 400x photomicrograph of spine at end of costa on back of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Tadpole Ridge trail, Pinos Altos Range, July 1, 2014
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 40x photomicrograph of obliquely long rostrate capsule, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Tadpole Ridge trail, Pinos Altos Range, July 1, 2014
Eurhynchium pulchellum, 5x macro of obliquely long rostrate capsule, photo Russ Kleinman & Karen Blisard, Tadpole Ridge trail, Pinos Altos Range, July 1, 2014
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