Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness

Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences

Lythrum salicaria Linnaeus
(Purple Loosestrife)

Family: Lythraceae

Status: Exotic, Noxious Weed (Class A, limited distribution within the state)


Lythrum salicaria is considered a noxious weed and has invaded wetlands throughout the country. It resembles a mint with a tall terminal spike of pink-purple flowers and opposite, linear-lanceolate leaves that extend perpendicularly from the stem.
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Lythrum salicaria, photo Russ Kleinman & Kelly Kindscher, Lake Roberts, July 15, 2007

Lythrum salicaria, DAZ herbarium, collector Diego Villalba 2328, 20 July 1995, west side of Lake Roberts

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