Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Portulaca umbraticola Kunth subsp. lanceolata (Engelmann) Matthews
Family: Portulacaceae
Status: Native
Portulaca coronata Small
Portulaca lanceolata Engelmann
Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata is a small herb with flat succulent leaves and circumcissile capsules as fruit. The most obvious difference from other members of the genus is that there is an obvious membranous ring around the capsule. Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata is found in sandy, seasonally moist areas at lower elevation in the Gila. Many thanks to Richard Felger for identifying this plant!
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Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & George Ferguson, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Canyon, September 2, 2012

Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, closeup, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & George Ferguson, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Canyon, September 2, 2012

Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, closeup of top of plant, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & George Ferguson, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Canyon, September 2, 2012

Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, plant measured in lab, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & George Ferguson, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Canyon, September 2, 2012

Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, leaf measured in lab, photo Russ Kleinman, Richard Felger & George Ferguson, Burro Mtns., Wild Horse Canyon, September 2, 2012
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