Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness
Presented in Association with the
Western New Mexico University Department
of Natural Sciences
Rhynchostegium aquaticum A. Jaeger
Family: Brachytheciaceae
Status: Native
Platyhypnidium riparioides (Hedwig) Dixon
Eurhynchium riparioides (Hedw.) P. Rich.
Eurhynchium rusciforme Milde
Oxyrrhynchium riparioides (Hedw.) Jenn.
Oxyrrhynchium rusciforme Warnst.
Platyhypnidium riparoides (Hedw.) Dix., database artifact
Rhynchostegium riparioides (Hedw.) Cardot
Rhynchostegium rusciforme (F.W. Weiss ex Brid.) Schimp.
Rhynchostegium aquaticum is found in or near running water. It also can be found in seasonal creeks. The stems are long and frequently parallel in large clumps. The leaves are quite variable from ovate to nearly orbicular. The apex can be obtuse or acute, and is usually serrulate. The leaf cells are elongate to linear. The base of the leaf is constricted to a narrow base. Rhynchostegium aquaticum is found at middle elevation in seasonally running water in the Gila. Many thanks to Kelly Allred for help in identifying this moss!
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Rhynchostegium aquaticum, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 3x macro, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 40x photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 40x photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 40x photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 40x photomicrograph of leaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 100x photomicrograph of leaf base, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 200x photomicrograph of leaf apex, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010

Rhynchostegium aquaticum, 400x photomicrograph of cells at midleaf, photo Russ Kleinman, Dorothy Dare, Henry Rhone, Lesley Mansfield, Bill Mansfield, & Karen Blisard, Mogollon Mtns., Rain Canyon, November 26, 2010
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