Applications of Interdisciplinary Data Science
March 25, 2021, at 3 p.m.
Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Math and Computer Science, Dr. Nancy Livingston.
Nancy Livingston is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, active advisor for Math & Honors Society G.E.K and mentor for NMAMP student research projects in STEM at Western New Mexico University. She is the current congressional representative, chair and newsletter editor for the Math Association of America Southwestern section. She holds a Ph. D in Mathematics from University of Oregon and is the author of “21st Century Statistics with R”, “Mathematics for Business in the 21st Century with Forecasting in R”, the “Gila Study Database”, and multiple articles in applied statistics. Her most notable recent presentation forums include 32nd International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (2020), 8th Natural History of the Gila Symposium (2020) and Math Association of America (2019). She has earned multiple research grant awards for herself and her students, and her interests include merging math with computing for studying complex civic issues critical to ecological or environmental justice.
Terabytes, even petabytes of data are generated each day. In today’s world, the best decisions are data-driven, and mathematics and computing have merged to form the exciting new field of data science to process our world’s data. In the data science life cycle, we apply modern statistical and computational methods and tools to scientific questions, which requires significant human judgment and deep disciplinary knowledge. Involving students in this cycle begins by exploring civic questions as unsolved challenges and using well-established reasoning and computational tools to perform the investigation. This data science life cycle can empower our students as engaged participants in their learning and as citizens in our community. An exemplar of significant interdisciplinary research with students on the Index of Economic Freedom and our Ecological Footprint will be highlighted.
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Zoom on Thursday, March 25, between 3 and 4 p.m.