What is SRPD Funding?
The Purpose of these Funds
Funded by a student fee, SRPD Funds help students complete special projects, engage in research, or attend conferences and professional trainings that go beyond their normal academic work or course requirements. The overarching goal is to support access of undergraduate and graduate students to valuable educational experiences with focused emphasis on research and scholarly activities associated with academic pursuits across all academic disciplines. Further, the aim is to support students in their pursuit of rigorous, independent scholarship.
These monies are collected from students and go directly back into the hands of students to enrich their education.
Research shows that high-impact educational practices, such as student research, have significant positive impact on students.
“Many colleges and universities are now providing research experiences for students in all disciplines… [professors] are reshaping their courses to connect key concepts and questions with students’ early and active involvement in systematic investigation and research. The goal is to involve students with actively contested questions, empirical observation, cutting-edge technologies, and the sense of excitement that comes from working to answer important questions.”
From the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (http://www.aacu.org/leap/hip.cfm)
History of SRPD
In 2012, Dr. Jennifer Coleman worked with the Associated Students at WNMU to create the Student Research and Professional Development (SRPD), which is 100% funded through student government fees. Over the years, numerous students have benefitted from this unique opportunity to utilize this fund for travel, conference presentations, and original research. In recent years, continued student government support and funding has allowed the addition of the Summer Stipend and the Research Assistantships.
SRPD Programs
An overview of SRPD Programs
- Students may request funding for anything listed under “Purpose of these Funds” (above) for research and creative projects.
- Only students who are currently enrolled and in good academic standing are eligible to request and receive funding.
- Projects must be the work of students. Separate funding is available for student’s assistance on a faculty/staff member’s work through the Faculty Research Committee, or the Research Assistant program.
- Students need two references to complete the Recommendation form for Students requesting SRPD funding and/or the Recommendation form for Students requesting SRPD funding for a conference, for students requesting travel funds (below).
- At least one reference should be a WNMU faculty member with relevant expertise, who should be available to offer advice, support, and mentoring to the student.
- When the student’s research/activities are not linked to a course requirement, the faculty/staff member may request and justify the need for either a “mentor stipend” for training and mentoring purposes, or a “chaperone stipend” (up to $500) to facilitate travel on the respective recommendation forms (below).
- Depending on the nature of the funding request (e.g., requesting Protecting Human Research Participants training), the student may request that this requirement be waived by emailing SRPD@wnmu.edu prior to the deadline.
- Students need two references to complete the Recommendation form for Students requesting SRPD funding and/or the Recommendation form for Students requesting SRPD funding for a conference, for students requesting travel funds (below).
- The Research Assistant program aims to support and benefit both students (undergraduate or graduate) and faculty. The faculty member is expected to work with a student who is prepared to engage in rigorous research activities.
- The faculty member will receive the benefit of hands-on support as well as the opportunity to teach and explore theories and practices of research in general and specific to the chosen research theme.
- Students will be fully immersed in the research experience and may contribute to various aspects of a project, including designing the project, reviewing and evaluating current literature, assisting in the IRB approval process, applying for grant funding, performing data collection, analyzing data, and presenting results.
- Faculty may apply for a RA to assist in their research for up to 200 hours at a rate of $15 per hour.
- Students may work up to 10 hours per week during Fall and Spring semesters and 20 hours per week during the Summer.
- The faculty member may request and justify the need for a “mentor stipend” for training and mentoring purposes (up to $500) on the Application form.
- The SRPD Summer Scholars program is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are further along in their academic paths and who have some relevant experience under their belt, as this program funds students completing independent projects, with the guidance and support of mentors.
- The SRPD Summer Scholars program funds research and other scholarly or creative projects originating from students that is significant and challenging so that it will enhance the student applicant’s academic/career development and make some contribution to their chosen field of study.
- Students may apply for stipends up to $3,000 to conduct their own original research or creative project for 160–200 hours at a rate of $15 per hour, in addition to requesting funding for equipment, supplies, and software.
- Students may work up to 20 hours per week
- Students need two mentors with relevant expertise who should both complete the Recommendation Form for Students requesting Summer Scholar Funding (below).
- One mentor should be the “primary” mentor who is a WNMU faculty member (to work closely with student throughout the summer), and the other may be a secondary mentor (to serve as additional support as needed; does not have to be faculty).
- Mentors who are WNMU faculty members may request and justify the necessity of a stipend for training/mentoring on the Recommendation form.
Submission Process
Deadlines: All applications are accepted on a rolling deadline, the 5th of the calendar month (including weekends), and the student committee meets on or before the 15th of the month in which an application is received (excluding weekends). Applications are not accepted in May, June, or July. Applications for Summer funding requests must be received in April.
Are you Eligible for SRPD Funding?
SRPD has the following eligibility requirements:
- Students undertaking research or creative projects in any field are eligible for this funding. IRB approval is required prior to requesting funds.
- Funds can be requested by individuals and by groups of students.
- Only currently-enrolled students in good standing are eligible to receive funding.
- Projects must be the work of students, allowing for faculty mentorship, rather than the work of faculty in which students are involved.
- Retroactive requests for funding will only be considered under very limited circumstances.
- Students must have one faculty/staff reference and at least one of those “mentors” must:
- Be a full-time faculty member
- Have expertise in a related field
- Be available to offer advice and support to the student throughout the project
What are the Funding Priorities of SRPD?
For Fall, Spring, and Summer Research funding, SRPD will prioritize applications using the following tiered system when funds are below 50%:
SRPD Funding Priorities
SRPD requests are not guaranteed full funding. Students may provide evidence of funding outside of SRPD for increased consideration. SRPD will prioritize applications using the following tiered system when funds are below 50%:
Tier 1 – Productive Participation in Professional Development
First priority requests include requests related to “productive participation” (producing information) such as engaging in or sharing the results of student research or creative projects, and professional development opportunities such as internships. Through these opportunities, students are producing and sharing knowledge and/or actively contributing to their fields.
- Research: Travel to/from a research site, purchase of equipment or supplies not available through WNMU, and conference travel expenses to present original work/research
- Creative Projects : Material expenses (e.g., venue or equipment rental, costumes, photocopying of scripts or scores) associated with producing or sharing creative projects (e.g., art exhibits, films, stage productions, or concerts)
- Internship Participation: Costs associated with internship participation (e.g., travel, housing, and food).
Tier 2 – Receptive Participation in Professional Development
Second priority requests include requests in which a student proposes access to an event or materials for learning purposes or “receptive participation” (receiving information) in professional development opportunities. Through these opportunities, students are receiving knowledge from their fields.
- Registration and travel expenses for virtual or off-campus educational programs, regional/national conferences, or workshops for learning purposes.
- Professional organization membership fees (unrelated to conference attendance)
- Certifications
Submitting a Proposal
Students will need to complete the following form:
Apply for SRPD Funds
Students must also have one mentor recommendation to be considered for funding. The faculty/staff member will need to complete this form:
SRPD Recommendation FormForms
Summer Scholar Recommendation
Faculty and Staff Summer Research Assistant Application
Summer Scholar Application
Past SRPD Funding Recipients
Month and Year | Student Info | Project Description | Funds Awarded |
September 2021 | Undergraduate student in Zoology | Supplies for Senior Project: Analysis of Cliff Swallows Nest on Soil Composition and Organic Material within Multiple Localities | $190.37 |
September 2021 | Undergraduate student in Zoology | Supplies for Senior Project Regarding Aggressive Behaviors in Tiger Barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) | $376.47 |
October 2021 | Two undergraduate students, in Expressive Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies | Stipend for starting the student arm of the Mimbres University press | $420.00 |
November 2021 | Graduate student in Interdisciplinary Studies | Supplies for Lichen Study | $376.47 |
Student Info | Project Description | Funds Awarded | Percent of Cost |
Graduate student in Criminal Justice | Sabre training in Georgia | $1150 | 75% |
Undergraduate student in Zoology | Vinegaroon Research | $607.82 | 75% |
Graduate student in Criminal Justice | Sabre training in Georgia | $1150 | 75% |
Undergraduate student in Zoology | Vinegaroon Research | $607.82 | 75% |
Undergraduate student in Cell and Molecular Medical Technology | SACNAS Conference presentation | $1350 | 100% |
5 Undergraduate students from Outdoor Leadership | Experiential Education Conference attendance | $3500 | 75% |
2 Undergraduate students, from Business & Rehab Services | Student Athletic Advisory Council attendance | $1503 | 100% |
6 Undergraduate Business students | Ethics Debate at UNM | $552.60 | 75% |
2 undergraduate Art students | NCECA Conference attendance | $1400 | 75% |
Graduate Student – Humanities | NMHEAR Conference presentation | $682 | 100% |
1 Nursing student | Search and Rescue Tracker Training | $300 | 75% |
3 undergraduates, Natural Sciences | Presented at Algae BioSummit in DC | $4151 | 100% |
1 graduate student | Presented in Oxford | $2075 | 100% |
11 undergraduates across disciplines + chaperon | Attended Time to Thrive conference | $4045 | 75% |
7 ENGL undergraduates + chaperon | Presented at STD International Student Conference | $5620 | 100% |
1 graduate student, psychology | Presented original research at regional conference | $865 | 100% |
7 graduates student + chaperon | Presented at Graduate Education Day with the NM legislature | $2000 | 100% |
6 undergraduates, across disciplines | Attended national AAUW conference, MD | $3390 | 75% |
1 graduate student | Original research in psychology | $340 | 100% |
2 Counseling graduate students | Attended NM Play Therapy conference | $400 | 75% |
5 undergraduate students + chaperon | Presented original math work at Math Assoc of America, SW | $2026 | 100% |
SRPD Contacts
Student Research & Professional Development Funds Contacts:
Dr. Katherine Oubre, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs
Ms. Sonya Peña, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Asst. VPAA
Phone: 575-538-6658
Email us at: srpd@wnmu.edu
You can also visit the College of Arts and Sciences
Bowden Hall, 3rd floor, room 312