Sociology Faculty Member Finds Collaboration and Balance at WNMU
Dara Naphan-Kingery’s trajectory from graduate school to her current position as an assistant professor of Sociology at WNMU has not been a straightforward one. After earning her PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Nevada, Reno, she felt she needed additional experience before aiming to become a professor. “I knew that I always wanted to teach,” she said, “but I needed to beef up my CV a little bit, so I ended up doing a postdoc at Vanderbilt University.” This postdoctoral research position became much more than just a CV-builder for Naphan-Kingery. “I worked with this group that was focused on broadening participation in engineering, specifically focused on black engineers,” she said. “I had done my dissertation on women in engineering. I got interested in that because engineering is just such an exclusive field. It can be a chilly climate for a lot of women and minoritized groups. … I was interested in things like sense of belonging and how people...