WNMU School of Business Students Outperform Peers on National Exit Exam
Students in the WNMU School of Business are outpacing their peers at other institutions according to the results of standardized testing. Students in the bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration are given an examination administered by Peregrine Global Services that assesses their understanding of a variety of business subjects, including economics, marketing, human resource management and business ethics. Their knowledge of these topics is tested first when they begin their academic study and again when they complete the program. In recent years, WNMU students have consistently outperformed students at other universities both nationally and regionally. On the most recent outbound exam, WNMU students averaged 77.96% on the subject matter tests, while their peers at other southwestern universities averaged 64.03%. WNMU students scored especially highly in economics, marketing, human resource management and the global dimensions of business, and they outperformed...