Career Services Office Reaching Out To Business Owners
As the semester nears its end, the Office of Career Services is reaching out to local and regional business owners and employers hoping to hire from the nearly 300 students that will be earning degrees in May. Graduating students will be earning certificate, associate, baccalaureate and master degrees, many of them looking for their first job outside of school. “Our students are eager to enter the workforce and make a difference,” said Vanessa Stroman, Career Services Coordinator. “Our plan is to build as many connections as possible between employers and our students.” Stroman is the new to the position, and is building relations with organizations who are hiring throughout the region. More than 20 businesses and non-profits have signed up to participate in the upcoming job fair on Tuesday, May 3. “Our on-campus job fair is the perfect opportunity for companies to connect with students who are making decisions on where to work for the summer and the fall,”...