Two WNMU faculty members, Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice Damon Bullock and Associate Professor of Management David Scarborough, spent part of the summer on a faculty exchange with La Universidad del Valle de Atemaja (UNIVA) in La Piedad, Michoacán, Mexico. The purpose of the exchange is multifold, said Bullock. It is partly an extension of the university’s educational mission, and it also helps to spread awareness of WNMU. In addition, faculty themselves are enriched by the experience. For Scarborough, who is learning Spanish, the immersive experience was invaluable for its effect on his Spanish language listening skills. “If you really want to be conversant you have to be there and listen, so that you are getting context as well as the auditory input,” he said. For Bullock, the experience connected directly to his academic specialization. “Being a sociologist,” he said, “I have always been interested in diversity and culture, so it feels...