Regents Recognize Faculty, Award Tenure and Promotion

© Western New Mexico University

At its annual spring commencement meeting on May 14, the Western New Mexico University Board of Regents met at the Silver City campus and approved several new business items including the recognition of professors for promotion and tenure.

Four professors were awarded tenure including Dr. Scott Fritz, Dr. Alexandra Neves, Dr. Margarita Wulftange and Dr. Sherry Bassi. Five professors were recognized with promotions including Fritz, Neves, Wulftange, Dr. Miguel Narvaez and Dr. Andy Warren.

Dr. Linda Lopez was awarded emeritus status for her service to WNMU. Lopez, who is retiring this month, has been teaching psychology at WNMU since 1989. The rank of Emeritus is conferred upon retirement to faculty who have led a distinguished career.

In other business, Board members also approved changes to the Faculty Handbook and the student government constitution; both having had approved changes by their respective governing bodies.

Jason Clark, architect with Studio D, presented a detailed update of the university Master Plan document outlining the proposed changes to campus infrastructure and landscape over the next 15 years. The plan identifies areas of opportunity for removal of buildings, street renovations and the creation of pedestrian walkways. The Master Plan is a working document that addresses university needs and is updated each year with the approval of capital outlay and other funding sources.

Dr. Brenda Findley, Vice President of Business Affairs, presented an update of the upcoming fiscal year budget. University President Joseph Shepard added to her report by indicating that the university is fiscally sound to the point that the new budget would not rely on reserve dollars as it had done in years past.

The board elected new officers, reelecting Janice Baca-Argabright as Board Chair, Jerry Walz as Vice-Chair and Gabby Begay as Secretary-Treasurer.

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