Students Can Get Their Careers on Track at Career Center

Career Services Coordinator Anna-Marie Menhenott speaks with a student at the Career Center, August 27, 2024.

© Western New Mexico University

By Anna-Marie Menhenott, Career Center and Career Services Coordinator

College flies by. Before you know it, it is time to order a cap and gown, study for finals and prepare for life after university. Many times, students are left with the daunting task of applying for a job in their field of study and scrambling to put a resume together, cobble together a cover letter and prepare for an interview. Those tasks can be overwhelming. That is where the Career Center here at Western New Mexico University can help.

While the office of Career Services is not new here on campus, the implementation of the Career Center only took place this past July. The Center offers students and alumni assistance in their search for employment. While choosing a career can be exciting, it offers challenges that can seem overwhelming. Having a professional to help students to navigate these waters can help them make informed decisions and have higher success when seeking employment after graduation.

The goal of the Career Center and Career Services Coordinator Anna-Marie Menhenott is to bridge the gap between students and what the Center offers. Many students are unaware that this is a resource available to them. A majority of students have no clue where the Center is even located on campus. This presents a problem when there are workshops taking place or when a student needs help on a resume or cover letter.

While students entering their junior or senior year have more interest in internships and post-graduation employment, the ultimate goal is to have freshman and sophomores engage early in their college careers so they are prepared once they are knocking on the door of graduation. Starting a career portfolio early on can help develop skills needed toward gaining the ultimate “dream job.” Working on a resume and cover letter, honing interview skills, and learning how to navigate platforms such as Handshake, LinkedIn, and Indeed are skillsets that all college students need.

When students visit the Career Center, they will enjoy a laid back environment that makes this aspect of their college experience fun, not stressful. There is a large area where workshops are held, a workspace (under construction) where students will have computer access to complete the SuperStrong Assessment, navigate Handshake and work on their resumes. There is also a Career Closet where students who have interviews or need work attire can come by and “shop” for an outfit. There are pants, shirts, dresses, skirts, shoes, ties and jackets—all free and for students to keep.

Students who utilize the Deming Campus will soon have the option of making appointments with Anna-Marie so they, too, can begin to build their Career Portfolio. Deming students have specific needs that students here on main campus do not necessarily have. Non-traditional students like those in Deming may only be on campus for one or two hours a week, so building office hours around those students needs is essential. Those students will be able to start building their resumes and working on interview skills and will learn how to connect with employers that offer jobs they are interested in. There will also be a Career Closet in Deming for those who need professional attire.

Another exciting aspect of the Career Center are the Career Expos that are held twice a year and during new student orientations. The next Expo will be held in conjunction with the Academic Symposium in December, on the third floor of the Student Memorial Building. Companies from across the southwest make the trip to Silver City to recruit WNMU students who may be interested in working for them. Organizations such as the FBI, National Forest Service, Department of Homeland Security and local companies like Gila Regional Medical Center and the Silver City Fire Department, just to name a few, descend on our campus seeking our students to fill employment opportunities within their organizations.

The Career Center is one of the most under-utilized resources on campus, and Anna-Marie is working to change that. Be on the lookout for emails regarding upcoming workshops and an invitation to sign up for Handshake. Do not wait to get started on your career portfolio. Graduation will be here before you know it, so why not get a jumpstart on getting the career you came to college for?

The Career Center is located on the 1st floor of the Juan Chacón Building. To make an appointment send an email to or stop by Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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