Every two years you can directly impact our communities in a positive way through the passage of bonds for our colleges and universities.
This election, General Obligation Bond C (GO Bond C) is on the ballot.
Bond C asks voters to set aside more than $131 million in higher education funding to colleges and universities across the state, with no increases to taxes. If passed, this year’s GO Bond C will allocate $5 million to Western New Mexico University which will be used to invest in important infrastructure updates across campus as well as continue the renovations on the science building.
The passage of Bond C will create jobs and boost our local economy. It will all be done without the increase of taxes. The improvements provided through projects generated by Bond C monies will mean that companies will be able to hire contractors and construction crews who will then spend their wages in our local communities which benefits all.
Small and large businesses throughout the state will hire people, which in turn will mean that our local businesses will benefit from the newly generated salaries and disposable income. Downtown restaurants, stores and hotels will all profit.
Established in 1893, the Western New Mexico University campus is a classic mixture of historic buildings and pathways, nestled along with modern facilities and structures. Bond C monies will be used to bring needed updates to the hilly landscape of our 123-year-old campus as well as repair roofs and other deteriorating infrastructure.
If Bond C is not passed, projects will be halted for most campuses in New Mexico, as this year’s bond will be the only major source of funding for several years to come.
Politics aside, Bond C is something that voters of all backgrounds can support. It supports our students. It supports our communities. And it advances the quality of life throughout New Mexico.
Early voting began October 11 and runs through November 5. Election day will be Tuesday, November 8.
Bond C will appear at the bottom of the ballot. With your support of Bond C, our students and the community will benefit by receiving a successful higher education experience, all without any tax increases.