WNMU Board of Regents Evaluate President Shepard and Approve Policy Revisions

© Western New Mexico University

The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents met on Monday, July 15, 2024, and presented their evaluation of university President Dr. Joseph Shepard for the 2024 fiscal year. They rated his performance as exceeding expectations and meeting the conditions of a retention bonus stipulated in President Shepard’s contract.

Regent Vice Chair Lyndon Haviland provided an overview of the extensive review process and shared the board’s conclusions. “We were unified in our assessment of Dr. Shepard,” she said. “We collectively believe that in this time, Dr. Shepard has been extraordinary.” The board also set performance objectives for the coming year.

In his report, President Shepard provided updates on a number of university events and initiatives and said that the university’s enrollment numbers for the fall semester showed an increase of approximately 70 students over the same time last year. “Our enrollment continues to track in a favorable direction,” he said.

Director of Professional Development Bobbi Dodson gave an update on the process of reviewing and revising all university policies, a process initiated by the board earlier this year. Dodson noted that a new webpage had been created to share drafts of revised policies and to allow for feedback from WNMU stakeholders.

Under new business, the board voted to award staff emeritus status to Virginia Cuevas, retired Assistant Director for Cultural Affairs.

Vice President for Business Affairs Kelley Riddle provided the board an end-of-year report presenting the FY 2024 fourth quarter Financial Certification. Riddle noted that she had “no concerns with the numbers we see here.”

Riddle also presented the Research and Public Service Projects requests for FY 2025-26, and she shared three Capital Project Transmittals that would be going before the New Mexico Higher Education Department: revised renovation of Graham Gym, the first phase of construction of the food sustainability facility, and partial roof replacement of Miller Library.

The Board was presented with several university policies that have been reviewed and revised in 2024, and they voted to accept the policies as amended. The policies approved were the Access to Student Records Policy, Drug-Free Workplace Policy, Honorary Degree Policy, Language Policy, Solicitation and Selling Policy, Policy on Policy Exemptions, Class Size Policy, Weapons Policy, Alcohol Use on University Property Policy, Reasons for Discipline Policy, Visitors Code of Conduct Policy, President’s Spouse or Domestic Partner Travel Policy and the Travel Policy. Additional policy revisions will be considered at the September Board of Regents meeting.

Regents expressed gratitude for the work put into reviewing and revising the policies, with thanks especially extended to President Shepard, Dodson, and the faculty and staff involved. Regent Moellenberg thanked them for “a meticulous and very thoughtful review of the policies.”

The board will next meet Thursday, September 12, 2024.

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