WNMU Board of Regents Hears University Updates, Approves Development of Three New Certificate Programs

© Western New Mexico University

The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents awarded emeritus designation to two retiring WNMU employees, approved new programs as part of the university’s five-year plan and heard from faculty, staff and student leadership representatives during their meeting, conducted in a hybrid manner, Thursday, December 7, 2023.

With no old business to consider, the regents spent a portion of the meeting hearing updates from across campus as presented by Faculty Senate President Dr. Scott Smith, Staff Senate President Adele Springer and Associated Students of WNMU President Elizabeth Gonzales.

Regent Chair Dr. Mary Hotvedt presided over the meeting from the Seminar Room located in the university’s Student Memorial Building along with Student Regent Trent Jones, with Regents Dr. Lyndon Haviland and Dal Moellenberg joining virtually and Dr. Dan Lopez not present.

During his report, President Dr. Joseph Shepard informed the board of a recent article regarding the university’s finances and stressed the university’s commitment to responsible fiscal management and commitment to good stewardship to the taxpayer. He also noted that the university is committed to educating students to be leaders in their own comuities. “That is what a university should do,” he said, “It is not just about the dollars and cents we get in tuition; it is about changing lives.” During his report, President Shepard also commented on the importance of WNMU fostering international relationships that contribute to a vibrant student body adding, “Some days I speak as much Spanish as I do English.”

Also included in his report, President Shepard recognized two retiring employees, longtime Professor of Mathematics Dr. Thomas Gruszka and Head Golf Coach Kent Beatty, for whom President Shepard recommended emeritus designation.

“Tom has been an integral part of the history here,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Dr. Jack Crocker, “He has always been a champion for students.” Director of Athletics Scott Noble spoke in support of Beatty’s nomination for staff emeritus. “[Beatty’s] teams have been at the top year in and year out,” said Noble. The Board of Regents voted unanimously in favor of both nominations.

Crocker presented to the regents the university’s Five-Year Plan for New Degree Programs that includes undergraduate certificates in HVAC, diesel mechanics and plumbing. These programs will eventually be housed in the new Career Technical Educational Center when that facility is constructed.

Walking the board through the university’s Budget Adjustment Request (BAR), Vice President for Business Affairs Kelley Riddle indicated that these midyear adjustments are routine and stated that “there is nothing significant or concerning with the BAR as it stands right now.” Vice President Riddle also presented the board with the university’s Capital Project Transmittal Request for the university’s swimming pool to include resurfacing and replacement of critical parts that ensure the saltwater system functions correctly.

The Board of Regents will next meet in Santa Fe while the 2024 Legislative Session is occurring.

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