Accessibility Plan
Policies & Reports
Office of Accessibility Services
Western New Mexico University is committed to the recognition and the proactive pursuit of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The University makes reasonable accommodations to self-identified employees and students and prospective employees and students with disabilities/serious medical conditions unless such accommodations have the end result of fundamentally altering a program or service or placing an undue burden on the operation of the University as defined by policy. Qualified students, employees or program users with disabilities should contact the office of Student Accessibility Services for information regarding accommodations in the employment and/or academic setting.
To be eligible for academic accommodations at Western New Mexico University you must have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and be enrolled in one or more hours of study in WNMU courses.
The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides for equal opportunity to persons with disabilities. To be protected under the ADA, you must be determined to:
- have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or
- have a record of such an impairment; or
- be regarded as having such an impairment.
If a disability exists, reasonable appropriate accommodations are determined to create equal opportunity.
An individual who encounters an accessibility issue related to University facilities should contact the Office Wellness and Accessibility Services. Please be prepared to provide information about the accessibility issues, including information about the physical location of the reported accessibility issue. An individual who encounters an accessibility issue with our website should also contact the Office Wellness and Accessibility Services and provide a description of the page creating the barrier and the accessibility issue. The Office of Wellness and Accessibility Services will work with the corresponding office to correct the accessibility issue. Please provide this information to Wellness and Accessibility by calling (575) 538-6277, by email or visit the office in the Global Resource Center room 103.
The University provides accessibility to campus community members and visitors accessing the campus for various events such as athletic events, speakers or artistic performances. For information on ticketing, accessible seating, assistive listening devices, or parking, contact the Office of Venue and Event Management (575) 538-6161. We ask for a notice of at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the event when requesting access for programs, events, and general services.
The planning of any campus event should include preparation for students, employees, and visitors with disabilities that may attend. Please contact the Office of Wellness and Accessibility Services for assistance in planning campus events. Events should be scheduled in an accessible space and event organizers should include an accessibility notice and contact information for the Office of Wellness and Accessibility Services in event announcements. (575) 538-6277 or by email at
WNMU recognizes that student disability records contain confidential information and are to be treated as such. Therefore, documentation of a student’s disability is maintained in a confidential file and is considered part of the student’s education record. Information related to a disability may be disclosed only with the permission of the student or as permitted by the university’s student records policy and federal law. At the same time, however, a student’s right to privacy must still be balanced against the university’s need to know the information in order to provide requested and recommended services and accommodations. Therefore, in the interest of serving the needs of the student, the provision of services may involve Student Accessibility Services staff disclosing disability information provided by the student to appropriate university personnel participating in the accommodation process. The amount of information that may be released is determined case by case, and will be made in accordance with the university’s policy on student records.
If a student is not granted their requested accommodations due to the reasonable accommodation policy and feels the decision does not best serve their educational needs, the student has the right to submit an appeal for the decision. The appeal must be in writing addressed to the Office of Wellness and Accessibility Services and must be submitted within ten (10) business days of the accommodation decision. General dissatisfaction with an accommodation decision is not grounds for an appeal. An appeal for an accommodation decision must be based on one or more of the following grounds:
- There was a procedural error made during the accommodation review process that substantially impacted the outcome of the decision (e.g. the student was not given an opportunity to participate in an “interactive process,” or the collaborative effort to arrive at a reasonable accommodation)
- There was a substantive error (such as misunderstanding of the accommodation request) made during the accommodation review process that substantially impacted the outcome of the decision
Once the appeal has been submitted, the WAS office will reach out to the student about the appeal to revisit possible solutions or alternatives for the accommodation need. Once a decision is made, if the student still does not agree with the decision, they will need to submit a second appeal to the Vice President of Compliance and Communications within ten (10) business days of the decision from the WAS office. The appeal should include information about the student’s attempts to work with the Wellness and Accessibility Services office and a justification for approving the request. The VPCC will review the appeal and make a final determination. The VPCC shall provide a written copy of the decision to the student and WAS. The student has no right to appeal to the VPCC decision.
If the student may file a discrimination complaint to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX the Report it! Link provided here: if the student believes discrimination on the basis of a disability has occurred in any step of this process.
Identity & Access
Accessibility Statemens
Online Learning
Supporting Technologies
Computer Lab & Classroom Software
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Android Studio:
Wolfram Player: