Post-Doctoral Researcher From Mexico Collaborates With Western New Mexico University’s Dr. Takahiro Sato
Western New Mexico University was recently host to a post-doctoral researcher from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico. Rosa Maria Cruz Castruita, Ph.D., wrapped up her first of three short residencies in Silver City this week. She and Dr. Takahiro Sato, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at Western New Mexico University, are collaborating on articles during each of her visits. "This month, we wrote an article about the effect of physical activity on the physical condition and psychologic condition of adults, specifically seniors," said Cruz, whose doctoral thesis is centered around why people do or don't exercise. Cruz and Sato's research overlaps. In Mexico, she studied one group of two dozen adults over six weeks, administering an exercise program throughout the research period then measuring their physical condition afterward. Sato conducted a similar exercise program with a smaller group of seniors in Silver City, also testing the participants' fitness...