F Week!

Join WNMU for the third Annual F Week! It will showcase leaders, speakers, musicians and artists from diverse backgrounds to empower, celebrate and honor women. Monday, March 5, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m., Light Hall Denise Mitten, Professor of Adventure Education Master of Arts Program and Sustainability Education Sponsored by WNMU Outdoor Program and The Center Denise Mitten, Professor of Adventure Education Master of Arts Program and Sustainability Education at Prescott College. Her research and education combine ecosystem sustainability and social sustainability (the ethics of care) with expert outdoor skills to help people learn sustainable community building skills through outdoor living and travel. Dr. Mitten works with international ecotourism, work at the Center for Spirituality in personal sustainability, and designing the Baldwin school project to help working poor youth understand the intersection of health, nutrition, physical activity and economics. She has also...


The CD&TC’s Professional Development Committee presents: Dr. Lydia Huerta in collaboration with Mary James on the effect of gender roles in the workplace. This presentation will also cover the #METOO movement, how to appropriately handle misconduct, and reporting sexual harassment. If you cannot attend in person, CONNECT VIA ZOOM: Meeting ID: 5755386219 Missed your chance to attend or Zoom in? No worries! We record the presentations and post them in the Career Development & Training Committee-Staff Senate SharePoint sit, along with any enclosed...