Virtual Academic Symposium

Virtual Academic Symposium: What is Academia's responsibility for today's culture of racism and its responsibility to inspire change? As stewards of knowledge and wisdom, we have both a duty and responsibility that future generations are properly equipped with empathetical and critical thinking skills regarding the United States' past and future. Thursday, November 18, 2021, 6-7:30 p.m. Zoom link: Moderator: Timothy Aldrich, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Panelists: Damon J. Bullock, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Takahiro Sato, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Kinesiology Andrew Hernandez. Ph.D., Professor of History Baindu Akinrotuba, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Social Work Susan McFeaters, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Social Work Berta Carela, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Early Childhood...