WNMU Education Programs Named Among the Best in the Nation for the Preparation of Future Elementary Teachers in the Science of Reading
The undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation programs at WNMU have been recognized by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) as among the best in the nation in preparing future elementary teachers to teach children to read, earning an A+ distinction. The programs are among just 48 nationwide and are the only programs in New Mexico highlighted by NCTQ for going above and beyond the standards set by literacy experts for coverage of the most effective methods of reading instruction—often called the “science of reading.” National data shows that more than one-third of fourth grade students—over 1.3 million children—cannot read at a basic level. In New Mexico, the situation is even more dire, with over half of fourth grade students unskilled at basic reading. By preparing teachers in the methods that research has shown to work best, WNMU College of Education is doing its part to change these devastating results. To evaluate the quality of preparation being...