Few universities have their own in-house publishing arm, and even fewer showcase student writing, research, and creative endeavors as a regular feature of the press’ production. But highlighting undergraduate student work is exactly what Mimbres Press of WNMU does through its journal, The Maverick. The Maverick was first conceived as an online journal by now-editor-in-chief Yen Chu. Chu began her service to Mimbres Press in 2021 as a student member of the press’ advisory board. Nominated for the board seat by her English professor, Dr. Kate Oubre, and ultimately chosen for the position, Chu realized that the press offered an opportunity for greater student involvement. “After a lot of research and deliberation,” said Chu, “I decided the best course of action would be to start an annual journal of undergraduate student work: The Maverick.” Since that time, Chu has worked with the journal’s faculty liaison, Professor of English Composition Heather Frankland, and with...