WNMU student Monica Jose of Laguna Pueblo was selected as a participant in the first offering in New Mexico of the Golden Apple Scholars Program.
DW Risdon, who is an associate professor in the WNMU College of Education, said that four of the original cadre of candidates are WNMU students.
The Golden Apple Scholars program is a multi-year teacher preparation program that recruits, prepares, and supports New Mexico residents who attend New Mexico colleges and universities and commit to teaching in New Mexico schools. Through the program’s institute, students can take advantage of paid professional development opportunities that occur each summer during their undergraduate years and also continually develop in their early years of teaching through mentorship.
“Applications for a second cohort are being accepted through the first week in October and it would be great to have more Mustangs in the next group,” said a spokesperson for Golden Apple.
Anyone interested in applying to become a Golden Apple Scholar can apply here.