Science Matters: Women of STEM

WOMEN IN STEM: SCIENCE MATTERS FEBRUARY 26-MARCH 1st will showcase WNMU Faculty, Students, Alumni and bring innovating speakers to WNMU. Throughout the week students will get an opportunity to enter a drawing for a scholarship. MONDAY FEB 26th: Tours of Natural Science Labs are available to the public contact 5pm-6pm MILLER LIBRARY: Showcase of Research from Scientists in Natural Science Dr. Lynn Haugen, Dr. Jan Frye, Dr. Corrie Neighbors, Dr. Manda Jost, and Dr. Kathy Whiteman 6pm-7pm MILLER LIBRARY Introduction by Dr. Christina Sanchez Volatie “Why Women in Science?” Speaker: Martha Cooper, Biologist, Nature Conservancy Martha Cooper has worked for The Nature Conservancy in Southwest New Mexico since 2006. Working with a diverse group of conservation partners in the region, she manages science, stewardship and restoration projects on the Conservancy’s Gila and Mimbres River Preserves and watersheds. Martha received an MS in 1999 in forest...

I AM Tribute

Students are invited to join the Black Student Union as the members share experiences due to injustices and inequality. Email for more...