Third Chamber Music Series Event Features Acclaimed Pianist

The ongoing President’s Chamber Music Series event continues to bring acclaimed musicians to Light Hall Theater and will feature pianist Awadagin Pratt on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m. on the Western New Mexico University campus. The event is $15 per person and will include a piano quintet playing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto #4 Op. 58 in G Major and Brahms’ Piano Quintet in F minor Op. 34. The performance will be the inaugural event for the university’s new Steinway Model B piano housed in Light Hall. Pratt has played recitals throughout the country including performances at the Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, the White House, and Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. His orchestral performances include appearances with the New York Philharmonic and the Minnesota Orchestra. Internationally, Pratt has toured Japan four times and performed in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Israel, Colombia and South Africa. Pratt is currently Professor of Piano and...

Outdoor Gear Available For Rent At The Outpost

The Outdoor Program offers adventures in the Gila Wilderness and beyond to students and community groups. Affordable outdoor gear such as tents, bikes, backpacks and other items are available for rental by anyone. The items are housed in The Outpost at the main campus, next to the Student Memorial Center in Barnard Hall. For more information, visit the Outpost website here or call...

Writing Center available to students

Have a writing assignment? Don’t know where to start? Need help with citations? Need help with grammar? We know that writing doesn’t come easy for many people. We can help you with all stages of the writing process from brainstorming to final editing and everything in between. Bring your assignment sheet with you, any ideas or drafts you may have, and stop on by. Our tutors will be happy to help. At the WRITING CENTER, we are much more than a proofreading service (though we can help you learn to proofread, too). Our primary goal is to help you become a more confident and skillful with words and ideas. We will help you identify your difficulties and give you some concrete tools you can use to sharpen your writing. You can expect helpful and friendly tutors who will involve you and your ideas in your tutoring session. We are open Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm and Friday 10am-2pm. We are located on the first floor of Miller Library. Walk-in, or make an...

WNMU Alumna Earns Law School Recognitions

Western New Mexico University alumna Edna Reyes has recently received various recognitions as a law student at Washburn University School of Law. Reyes, who earned two degrees from WNMU, was announced as the first recipient of the Washburn Law Clinic Public Interest Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a clinic student whose employment upon graduation will be primarily serving underrepresented or underserved individuals, communities and/or nonprofit groups. Reyes was recognized for her successful completion of the Law Clinic, for demonstrating interest in public service and for her commitment to legal employment in the public interest field. Reyes’ experience in the Law Clinic was also recognized with the Irvine E. Ungerman Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice. The Ungerman Award is awarded twice yearly to legal interns who have distinguished themselves by providing highly competent representation to clients in a manner exemplifying the ideals of the law...

Film on legacy of three local youth to be shown

The life and legacy of three Silver City area youth who perished in a 2014 plane crash will be depicted in a new film on Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. in Parotti Hall. The film is titled A Heart, A Soul, A Voice and was shot on location, in Silver City and in the Gila Wilderness. High School students Ella Kirk, Michael Mahl and Ella Myers died in a small airplane crash in May of 2014, just outside of Silver City. The film explores the meaning and impact of their passing and the inspiration they still offer to their families and community. All three teenagers led activist lives while attending Aldo Leopold Charter School, both as artists and environmental activists. The event will open with a 7:00 p.m. reception for the filmmaker and director David Garcia in Parotti Hall. The screening begins at 7:30 p.m. A $10 donation is requested and will be used to help fund a new film by Garcia and Hearts on the Gila Productions, which explores how the lives of the three teens are...

More than 200 to graduate at fall commencement

More than 200 students will be earning certificate, associate, baccalaureate and master degrees at the fall commencement ceremony taking place Friday, December 9 in the Fine Arts Center Theater. The event begins at 3:00 p.m. and can be viewed live online: Silver City, NM Certificate – Chris Camacho, Kevin Cone, Adam Medina Associate Degree – Holly Adams, Jennifer Aragon, Chris Camacho, Kevin Cone, Arisa Dominguez, Christina Marie Estrada, Sabrina Marie Gomez, Levi Leyba, Marissa Lopez, Manuel Ortega, Roy Somarian, Kayla Tielking, George Trujillo, Heather Wasson Baccalaureate Degree – Roxanne Abeyta, Holly Adams, Spri Aubrey, Jazmin Nikole Carillo, Ben Hammer, Jolene Ann Huffman, Javier Marrufo, Horace Martinez, Chris Matthes, Jon Meadows, Meagan Montoya, Ashley Moon, Lyndsey Novacek, Serina Pack, Jennifer Rider, Chelsi Straubinger, Gabryelle Villines-Morales Graduate Certificate – Andrew Joy Master Degree –...

Commencement Keynote Speaker CEO of El Paso Electric

Mary E. Kipp, Chief Executive Officer for El Paso Electric will deliver the keynote address at the fall commencement ceremony for Western New Mexico University. The ceremony will take place at 3:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center Theater on Friday, December 9. AS CEO, Kipp is responsible for oversight of the overall operations for El Paso Electric, and also serves on the company’s Board of Directors. Kipp has been with El Paso Electric since 2007 and has held various positions, including overseeing several departments including regulatory and rates, human resources, external affairs, public relations and environmental health, and health and safety. Kipp has served as the company’s President, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer. Before rejoining El Paso Electric, Kipp spent four years as a senior enforcement attorney in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Office of Enforcement, based in Washington, D.C. Her role included investigating...

96-Year-Old World War II Veteran To Receive Honorary Degree

Every Mustang home basketball and volleyball game, Leonard Pritikin can be seen front row, in a bright yellow jacket and a veteran cap. He’s a familiar site to student-athletes and this December he’ll be introduced to the entire graduating class, receiving an honorary degree from Western New Mexico University President Joseph Shepard. “For so many years, I was kicking myself in the pants and sorry that I never went and got that degree,” said Pritikin, a 96-year-old veteran. “Now I never have to kick myself in the pants anymore thanks to Dr. Shepard and the Board of Regents.” At the age of 19, Pritikin enlisted into the Marine Corps, joining millions of other young Americans who would take part in the Second World War, missing their opportunity to earn a college degree. Pritikin served from 1940 to 1945, his military career cut short due to injuries, but not before traveling through Pacific as a section leader of heavy machine guns. “I drove a jeep patrol and...

Second Chamber Music Series event features acclaimed violinist

Acclaimed violinist Krzysztof Zimowski will perform for the second President’s Chamber Music Series event on Tuesday, November 29. The performance begins at 7:00 p.m. in Light Hall Theater with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. A Meet the Artists reception will follow the performance in Light Hall patio. Zimowski was born in Poland and began his musical studies at the age of six. He has performed as a Concertmaster of the Symphony Orchestra of Weikersheim and Bayreuth in Germany. In 1976, Zimowski began performing with The World Youth Orchestra in Brussels and in Paris. There he began playing in chamber music ensembles and taking master classes with the world-renowned violin soloist Henryk Szeryng. In 1981, Zimowski joined the Mexico City Philharmonic Orchestra where he gained acclaim for his soloist performance during a concert dedicated to the Mexico City earthquake victims. In 1986, he moved to the United States forming the Helios String Quartet, an ensemble-in-residence at...